Thursday, March 5, 2009

Technorati & tagging

So here's my first attempt at tagging. I'll try the 'HBL2.0' tag challenge.

Okay, so that worked...but I'm not sure whether that's what was supposed to work. If I click on that it takes me to the Technorati site and shows me all posts tagged with HBL2.0.

So why is it saying that no other posts are tagged with that?

Have I missed a step? Perhaps time to go back to the start. This technorati stuff confuses...

6/3/09 - okay I'm back to try this again. I just had another look at the info. for this learning activity and noticed the technorati tag on the hblwebolution site is not enclosed in brackets. Perhaps this is where my mistake is? Will try again.... rel="tag">HBL2.0

err..nope...that doesn't look right. *Heads back to Technorati site scratching head*...

I really should read ALL the instructions when reading instructions - just saw this:

The [tagname] can be anything, but it should be descriptive. Please only use tags that are relevant to the post. You do not need to include the brackets, just the descriptive keyword for your post. Just make sure to include rel="tag".



Hmmm...looks like I got it with that last one. All I did was take the brackets out. Not sure why my 'nope' has come up like that though! And now I'm trying my hardest not to get all confused and lostlike...the 'Nope' actually came up as a highlighted link back to Technorati when I previewed my post, but then blogger wouldn't let me post some of the above links here so I deleted what I was told to delete and the post was published, minus parts of the results of my previous attempts.

It's all a mess but I will try again...a different tag this time!

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