Friday, March 13, 2009

This is the end....


But also the beginning...

The biggest thing I learnt whilst doing all this Webolution stuff??

My biggest 'enemy' is myself.

It's quite easy to close your mind off to all this stuff. If we didn't have to learn it - would we? Would we go out of our way to discover what Podcasts are and how to tag and how to create our very own motorcycle search tool? Would we let the World Wide Web world pass us by? Can we survive without it? In our personal lives - sure. In our roles as library professionals? I'm not so sure. I think that as library staff we need to keep up to date with everything that's happening.

I often look at YouTube for various clips etc...however I have never noticed all the options that are available to users. I was blind to them. By doing the WEbolution I suddenly became aware of all these little colored boxes all over the page...boxes to send here and do this and do that. I really didn't see them on my other visits there. BLIND!

So the Webolution has opened my mind up and my eyes up to what is happening out there in the WWW. I feel kinda relieved - I knew I was falling behind this new technological age of persons who know all this stuff and are adept at it and use it like it's nothing. It's just something they know. I envy them that! And I guess now that I've been 'exposed' to it all I will keep at it and every now and then refresh my 'skills' wtih the various applications and keep my eyes open to whatever else arises in the future.

I'm going to keep this blog because I like it. :)

Thanks Katie for the WEbolution! Thanks for the support and encouragement and colorful emails!

And thanks to those who've read and commented on my blog!

And thanks to all who've kept at me to complete it. Good stuff! :)

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